OrmLite -- Simple Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Java Package
Object Relational Mapping Lite (ORM Lite) provides some lightweight functionality for persisting Java
objects to SQL databases while avoiding the complexity and overhead of more standard ORM packages.
For more information, please see the ORMLite home page.
ORMLite provides the following features:
- Setup your classes by simply adding Java annotations.
- Powerful abstract Database Access Object (DAO) classes.
- Flexible QueryBuilder to easily construct simple and complex queries.
- Supports MySQL, Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server, H2, Derby, HSQLDB, and Sqlite and can be extended to additional
databases relatively easily.
- Provisional support for DB2, Oracle, ODBC, and Netezza. Contact the author if your database type is not supported.
- Handles "compiled" SQL statements for repetitive query tasks.
- Supports "foreign" objects with the class field being the object but an id stored in the database table.
- Basic support for database transactions.
- Auto generates SQL to create and drop database tables.
- Spring configuration support for DOAs and class configurations.
- Support for configuring of tables and fields without annotations.
- Supports native calls to Android SQLite database APIs
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